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The hidden epidemic: Preventing loneliness among middle-aged adults

In a world that seems to be more connected than ever before, it is paradoxical that loneliness has become an epidemic among the age group of middle-aged and older adults. Between the demands of work, family, and daily obligations, many people in their middle years feel increasingly isolated and alone. This phenomenon is often overlooked or underestimated, but it has serious implications for physical and mental health. In this article, we will explore the hidden reasons for loneliness among adults and show ways to counteract this problem.

Loneliness in midlife: An invisible challenge

A survey by the Swiss Federal Statistical Office revealed that 35 percent of people in the age group of 50 to 65 years feel lonely. A similar picture emerges in Germany. This is not an isolated observation, but a global phenomenon. Despite the virtual networking through social media, many middle-aged adults feel isolated and have the feeling that their social relationships are not fulfilling. This can lead to negative effects on physical health, including cardiovascular diseases, increased stress, and even a weaker immune system.

Loneliness vs. solitude

It is important to understand that loneliness is not the same as solitude. Occasionally spending time with oneself can be quite enjoyable. But it becomes worrisome when this “me-time” is accompanied by the feeling of not having a stable social network. Loneliness arises when the need for social connectedness is not met, and this feeling can lead to serious health problems.

The impact on mental health

The impact of loneliness on mental health should not be underestimated. According to the German Society for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Psychosomatics and Neurology (DGPPN), chronic loneliness can lead to depression, anxiety, and an increased risk for developing dementia. The inability to experience social support and emotional connections can take a significant toll.

Societal factors and technology

A variety of factors contribute to this epidemic. Professional demands can often lead to a lack of time and energy for social activities. Children grow up and leave the house, which can lead to a loss of social contacts. In a rapidly changing digital world, the feeling of isolation can be amplified, as real human interactions are often replaced by virtual connections.

Ways to combat loneliness

It is important to recognize that loneliness is not inevitable and that there are ways to address this problem. One possibility is to participate in community activities or groups that are based on personal interests. According to a study by Harvard University, participating in such groups can boost well-being and reduce the feeling of loneliness.

How Cliqued can help

This is where Cliqued comes in – an innovative app that helps middle-aged people effortlessly make social contacts and friendships. Cliqued allows people who share the same interests and hobbies to connect. From shared activities to deeper connections, the app provides a platform to break through isolation and build meaningful relationships.


The epidemic of loneliness among middle-aged adults should not be overlooked. It is important to acknowledge the negative effects on physical and mental health and look for ways to address the problem. With apps like Cliqued, we can harness the power of connection and create a community that brings people together to overcome loneliness and live a more fulfilling life.


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7 Tips for Combating Loneliness

Loneliness is a feeling that can affect anyone, whether or not you are actually alone. It can make you feel unappreciated, unnoticed and unneeded. Loneliness

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